I was given several awards this week by some of my awesome blog friends and would like to pass them on to some other deserving bloggers out there. I think that all of the bloggers and sites that I visit deserve these awards, but for now, I will narrow them down to the alloted number. I will list my awardee's as the way the pictures are listed.
If you could pass these awards along to at least 5 of your blogger friends that deserve them as well, and post their links to give them some recognition, that way everyone can appreciate the talents of the wonderful recipients of these awards.
The Lovely Blog Award goes to:
- Melissa- http://keepsakesbymelissa.blogspot.com/
- Chris- http://twinklesglow-glowbug.blogspot.com/
- Chelsea- http://craftinglifespieces.blogspot.com/
- Flati- http://flatis-bastelleien.blogspot.com/
- Charlotte- http://designsfromwithin.blogspot.com/
The Smile award goes to:
- Sonya-http://thepinkpaperpenguin.blogspot.com/
- Jess- http://solocosmo.blogspot.com/
- Jerusha- http://ilovepapercrafting.blogspot.com/
- Kraftin Kimmie- http://kraftinkimmieskorner.blogspot.com/
- All Pink Girl- http://allpinkgirl.blogspot.com/
The Blog Support Award goes to:
- Phyllis
- Gale- http://princessdikutzs.blogspot.com/
- Priscilla- http://priscillastyles.blogspot.com/
- Jane- http://thepaperaffair.blogspot.com/
- Denise- http://kc242designsbydenise.blogspot.com/
Thank you all for your friendship, support, encouraging comments and inspiring work that I appreciate very, very much!!
Enjoy your awards!!
Thank you Carolyn for the award, I'll paste it on my blog and think of YOU! Thank you for all your support as well - hope you feel better soon.
Carolyn, thank you so much for thinking of me for this award...I would never say no to one even when I already have this one...they all mean so much to me. To know that someone thinks my blog is lovely makes my heart smile! I will gladly place it on my blog and wear it with pride.
Hugs to you for all your kind words and for being so sweet.
Your cyber friend!!
Thank you Carolyn..you are so wonderful with these awards :) I will be sure to update my blog awards post and pay it forward soon.
Thanks Carolyn! I appreciate the thoughtfulness!
Thank you so much Carolyn! You are too sweet! I really appreciate this!!
Thanks so much!! Made me smile! :)
Congrats on your wonderful awards! I feel you deserve them, I enjoy your blog.
Congrats on all your awards!! You sure deserve them!!! Thanks for thinking of me! You are so sweet!! I am so blessed to have gotten to know you better via your blog and the MMSC DT!
hugs and blessings,
Hi Carolyn, Thank you so much! I can't believe I got one! WooHoo! I'll proudly display this on my blog and will pass it to other blogging buddies! :)
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