If you have been playing along with us, you know that we decided to recognize one participant's entry each week that we feel was really outstanding by awarding them the Midnight Masterpiece Badge. It's our way of showing our appreciation to you for joining us in the fun and sort of encourage you to do your best work. It was really close this week, but this week's winner of the Midnight Masterpiece Badge is Selma Stevenson!! Congratulations Selma and we have to say that ALL of the entries were incredible. Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful creations with us, and we really look forward to this week's entries. In addition to recognizing one of the participants, one of the team members also recieves an award. This weeks "Seasoned Socialite award goes to our very own social butterfuly who is a wonderful inspiration to many including us: Phyllis .. Congratulations, and it is such a pleasure working alongside you. Enjoy your award! : )
If you would like to join in the fun with us and make your own card for the challenge, hop on over to Priscilla's blog: http://priscillastyles.blogspot.com/ You can find out everything you need to know to submit your own entry and get in on the prizes or even get your own award. I hope you enjoy mine, and have lots of fun making your own. Let me know what you think, and see ya next time.