We are so excited to have just found out that we will be moving to Indiana in the next couple of months near the Indianapolis area. If any of you out there could give some input or info on what it's like, what to expect, what to avoid, what to look for as far as housing, schools, medical, people...etc. We would like to look for housing in the surrounding Indianapolis area, but not Indianapolis itself. I am hoping that some of my friends on here might be able to share some of their knowledge with me who either live in that area now or maybe have lived there in the past or know someone else who does. We could not be more excited about this move. It is such a blessing and the positive thing that we have been praying for for our family. Life is truly being good to us right now, and we are very grateful. Sometimes you have to weather the storm to get the reward of a rainbow. We thank God for looking out for us and taking care of our family.
Thank you in advance to anyone that can share some advice with us, and even if some of you could share moving tips. It's been years since we've moved. I will take advice/tips or anything on moving, buying a new house, acclimating my kids to a new area...anything you want to share.
I will be taking you all with me on this move with my blogging updates, so get ready for the adventure.
Hugs and Blessings to you all,

I live about an hour north of Indy - I'm not too familiar with it but I'll do all I can to help if you need it and no one closer responds! Welcome to Hoosier land.
Good luck with the move and hope you get settled , make new friends soon!
I live about an hour and 15 minutes south of Indy. I know some people that live in the area....not sure how far away you are wanting to live from downtown so if you want feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment on my blog and maybe I can give a few tips once I find out how far away you are wanting to be from downtown.
Sounds like you are very happy with this change so congrats!! Glad life is being good to you and your family! :)
I've lived in Indiana most of my life. First the weather, crazy a lot of the time. High humidity, hope you are use to that. I haven't been to Carmel or Noblesville much, so not real sure what to tell you there. I live south of Indy, in a small town, which is growing. Indiana is a pretty state, Nashville is a fun place to go shopping, and you want to visit a shop called Wishful Thinking, tons of stamping stuff :O) I lived in Colorado when I was young, and that would be where I would want to live if I could :O) I know there has been a lot of things on the news about Carmel schools, but I think that is possible in every school. i know Carmel is expensive place to live from what I here, wealthy people live in Carmel. Noblesville I don't know much about that. Not sure if this helps, but Indiana is not a bad place to live. Hugs! Leah Ann
When is the big moving day? I know you will have much to get ready - a very large task.
Sorry, I live in Minnesota so I can't help you there. Keep us updated! Jane
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