We discovered this precious baby bird, and I wanted to share this sweet picture with you. My husband wanted to trim some branches yesterday when finding a Mama bird very upset with him. He figured there must be a reason why she didn't want us near that tree. From a distance, hubby managed to get a good shot of the sweet little baby popping it's head up from the nest. Needless to say, we did not get to trim that tree. It can wait until the babies are gone.
I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful summer day! Thanks for dropping by for a look, and hope to see you soon!
Hugs and Blessings

How cool is that to have a "family" in your yard!
Love all the GREEN in your yard and the new RD/WT/BU wall paper!
Congrats to your husband, Carolyn:) Great picture!
Very sweet..this warms my heart..thank you for sharing it Carolyn :)
Ah, sweet. I would love to see this in my yard. Glad he found the nest in time. Hope all is well, Jane
Aw!! How sweet!! What a great find!! We discovered a Bard owl in one of our trees which had babies. I wanted to share it on my blog but I somehow I erased the photos off my digi camera...boohoo!
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